Well, I am off to Corvallis to see Cheryl Strayed and hear her talk about her book, Wild. Sadly, though I have read this book, I do not own a copy. I have purchased copies for many, many people, but my first read was from the library. Not a bad option. Someone paid for that book. Still, I have vivid images in my mind of those I have gifted this book: my niece Samantha curled up on her sofa, Dave's folks driving across listing to the audio book, my retired neurologist in Tucson sitting on a warm porch with the book in his lap. This is the best way to share love for a book.
Anyway, I love to hear writers talk about their craft. Everyone is so different. The first author I heard speak was a man names Og Mandino. Google him. When I learned about his, it was pre-internet era and I stumbled upon him by accident. Then I recommended him to a friend and the next thing you know, that same friend took me to see him speak. It was marvelous. I guess I didn't know that writers' also talk. Makes sense now, doesn't it ;)
When I started taking writing in college, I heard many authors. Some have very memorable names like Emiri Baraka and Judith Butler. Others I can not recall. One of the latter said something about writing that changed me forever. She said "hole nothing back. Write it all down now. Don't save anything for your next story. This story is the story that needs it now."
On that not, I am out the door to hear Cheryl Strayed. I will write more when I return.